I was just thinking should I start blogging again now or wait until I get the layout sorted out. It came to me that I should open bengollow{ DOT }com again as I don’t really want it to go as wasted space anymore. So here I am blogging again! It’s been such a long time since I last used this site but I’ve been really busy with school and other things like getting a job (of which I still don’t have). This year I’m not really studying Web Design but instead I’m studying Horticulture. Web Design and Landscaping have been my two most favourite interests but I decided to give up Web Design as I wanted to be outdoors instead of being stuck in an office building. It doesn’t mean that I won’t stop doing Web Design as a whole but it will mean I’ll be doing less of it as I already do.
Anyway as I said before I’m currently studying a Certificate II in Horticulture, well I’m finding it fun. Like I’m meeting new people, learning new things, ect. The previous year I was looking and looking for a job but had no luck but getting interviews and some trail days. I even had work experience for a Certificate in Warehousing that I did to fill up time and they thought I was good but didn’t end up getting a job from them because they were reducing the number of staff they had. Before this I never thought it would be this hard after not having a job during high school, but I was proved wrong. Here in Australia at the moment there’s been a lot of job cuts over the past years that I believe makes it like impossible for me to be able to get a job. It’s gotten to the point that it’s made me depressed at times, but I guess life has to keep moving on.
That may be the main reason of why I’m starting to blog again, to move on. Well I did finish high school in 2011. I’m actually glad at the achievements that I received from High School like completing high school and completing a certificate II & III in Information Technology. I also made a couple of friends along the way. But I realised when you finish school, the friends you make aren’t really your true friends. Like some of the people who I thought were my friends aren’t really my friends and the people who I didn’t really consider as close friends are my true friends. There hasn’t been a time since high school since I heard from some of my friends.
I’m always on Facebook but I guess that’s a boring site in itself as people just post what they’re doing and you chat there from time to time. Yeah it may help you connect with friends but in some ways it can create enemies. The problem is that I’m addicted to the site way too much that I spend my whole day on it. Like I try to get off it but just can’t help myself. I guess Mark Zuckerberg has done his job lol. I don’t even get social networks these days, like first there was MySpace, then came Twitter and eventually Facebook took over until Google+ came and made a bit of competition. But I guess that hasn’t really changed the social network chain at all but give ideas to Facebook.
And then here’s my blog. You’re probably wondering if I’ll keep blogging, well the answer is yes. Though I decided that I’ll only blog on Wednesdays or Fridays or both as I used to just blog on any day. In the coming weeks, I’ll eventually change this layout to a personalized layout and add back the pages I used to have on the site.
Nicely said ben