Remember how I said that I might get a domain for my birthday?
Well I did. It’s not finished yet, so i’ll tell you the site when it’s finished.
I’m going to close this site when it opens. So all sibs and affies will be moved to the new site. You will still be my sibs and affies 🤣 . I’m also moving some content from this site to the domain.
Well just keep checking my site until I tell you my domain. 🙂
Oh, my gosh! congrats! good luck with that new domain!
o0o congrats on getting a birthday domain XD!
hope it all goes well for you XD!
I LOVE this layout! lol Congrats on the new domain, and can’t wait to see it up…
Oh wow! Can’t wait to see the new domain!!~ =D its ganna rock!
cool u got a domaim
Hey Ben! That’s really really really great about the domain!
Congrats, can’t wait…
congrats in ur new domain!!!! How r u? 🙂
🙂 hey hunny, im no longer having siblings on my site, so please change my link to affie. i’ve already changed your, please don’t tag me anymore, but instead if you need to talk to me use my commenting system on cutenews.. i can’t view my tagboard properly so im having trouble keeping in contact. so please don’t tag, comment.
😉 opps and i forgot, can you please send me a 32×32 link button so i can link you. i need 32×32 in order to link you.
hey hunny how are you? i’ve posted up some ottawa && quebec pics on my latest blog!
Thanks Ben XD!
really you’ll help me with my skinning?
Hey ben it happened to me again yesturday..but didnt take ages for to not upload/edit my site.