Well guess what? I’m back but on a different domain, bgollow.com.au. Remember how last year back in June that I mentioned that I won a domain? Well I finally decided a couple of weeks ago to purchase this one as it’s simple and fits in with all my other sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I was thinking of getting stormyben.com.au because I’m really interested in the weather but then I got other people’s opinions and they said it sounded babyish. So I decided to not go with it. Anyway I’m back now once again after a very long absence.
I’ve just been so busy, yep I got a
For me it’s been a huge achievement considering only a couple of months ago (maybe a year lol), I felt really depressed. Like I got to the point thinking no one was going to give me a go. All I wanted was a job so I had an actual income to go out with friends. I always had to push away friends that invited me out to places that cost money. I just wanted to save it for fuel and parking money for these job interviews I went to trying to promote myself to the employer the best I can. But it never seemed to work, I was running out of money fast and that’s when it really got to me. I’m just glad I’ve got one now or I’ll be stuck in this bigger gap that’s occurred over those 3 months in Australian employment. Job losses after job losses. I really can’t tell how those people feel after being told they’re no longer required because some greedy CEO isn’t earning enough profit and wants to leave. Then people expect the government to pay out because of a corporate’s decision.
But it’s not that easy, Labor decided to go over budget and the Liberals are trying to fix it. But then I ask where does all this money suddenly appear from. Honestly I hate government in Australia atm, anyone you pick is going to destroy the country. I get it that it’s not easy running a country but wow, we keep getting tax after tax. Labor just won’t budge to scarp the “Carbon Tax” and the Liberals don’t seem to have a suggestion on what to replace it with. Yes we need something, but not a tax. More like a guideline/law that makes people convert into clean energy. Not putting a price tag on it and hoping it fixes the worlds problems. Just look at cigarettes for example, it keeps getting tax, get’s a plain label with
And that brings me to this long^ weekend. I really can’t wait for it to start. I might even up at Moomba, a festival in Melbourne, Australia that always happens during the Labor Day long weekend. They have concerts, fireworks, rides and the Moomba Parade. There’s even shows like the popular Birdman Rally that involves people creating costumes that will glide over the Yarra River the furthest otherwise they just sink. So if you ever come to Melbourne during this time, try out Moomba and see what it’s like. You never know, you may just like it.