You probably thought I was mentioning Charlie Sheen in the title, well you’re wrong. Lately I have been winning a couple of things like an Australian domain (still not 100% sure on what to call it) along with a years worth of hosting, a GPS with speed detection and a $150 fuel voucher. Some people have been saying I should enter the lottery, but I’ve never gambled in my life though I guess it’s something that I should try.
I’ve just been out way too much that I’ve been spending a lot though I have been enjoying it. It’s actually taken my mind off things like jobs. Like I’m at home most of the time that it actually makes me depressed at times. Getting out in the fresh air with other people is all I need atm. Since last year I’ve been attending a friend’s church known as COG at various events that they hosted. It’s been OK but I’m not really a churchy person. I basically describe myself as agnostic as I’m OK with other people’s beliefs but I only believe in some certain things like Noah’s Ark. I actually found out that I have been going to their service more than their actual youth group and now I understand why I didn’t enjoy it as much. It doesn’t mean that I’ll stop going there, I’ll just only go there on Friday nights now. I rather put other people first then think about myself, so it was kind of awkward when I mentioned that I don’t like waving my hands up in the air. But I guess you have to speak out or you’ll never get anywhere. At least it’s allowed me to meet new people like the Aspergers group.
Talking about the Aspergers group, I went out bowling with some of them on Friday night. Even though I lost my bowling skills after duration of not picking up a bowling ball for ages, I managed to just get 1 spare and that’s it. Even though I wasn’t the winner (defeats the purpose of this title lol), I had a great night. I even saw someone who I wanted to get in contact with at a previous time which was a bonus. I honestly thought he wasn’t going to show up considering he only came to the aspergers group in search of a girlfriend when there’s a lot more boys than girls. The thing is that we actually have something in common, we both like landscaping. The funny thing though is that my mum was talking to his mum while I was talking to him in separate rooms. It wasn’t until the end of the night that we found out that we were talking to the same family.
Speaking of landscaping, I had a job interview today though it only went for like 10 – 15 minutes. Is that usual for a landscaping interview or any interview in particular? All that happened was that the employer asked me questions and didn’t even ask me that question at the end if I had any questions. However they did mention at the end that they’ll contact me within a couple of days. Does this mean that they’re still interested in me? It just makes me worry sometimes as I never get replies back. Hopefully all goes well and I get some job.
Lol, yeah I did.
Your welcome to pass ya luck on
I had a lot of fun spending a few weeks applying for jobs I didn’t want, then a little more fun knocking a few of them back. Then, when I saw a job I really did want, I had a lot more experience at job hunting under my belt and didn’t need to feel anxious at all. Ever since that practice job hunting, I’ve either been incredibly lucky at getting jobs, or, that practice paid off big time.